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Does your business value its employees as one of its most important resources? Every business, regardless of size, has similar issues. But not every business can allocate full-time resources to focus on key issues.

Businesses often need help establishing a solid foundation of human resources policies. Business owners and managers frequently have ideas and goals for value-added programs, but may lack the time or manpower to achieve their desired objectives. Through our specialty in human resources and management services, C. Clarity Consulting can help your business identify and achieve well-suited solutions.

C. Clarity Consulting may employ the following programs to meet management objectives:

  • Implementing an employee handbook.
  • Conducting a human resources compliance audit.
  • Providing management development training: interviewing, retention, interpersonal communications, etc.
  • Retaining professional Human Resources services on an out-sourced basis to avoid the cost associated with a full-time employee.
  • Delivering Sexual Harassment training.
  • Providing harassment investigation services.
  • Initiating a Performance Management program.
  • Designing business-specific compensation programs.
  • Conducting benefits review.
  • Enhancing New-Hire Orientation process.
  • Providing employee training: team building, customer service, safety, etc.
  • Designing and administering Employee Opinion Surveys.
  • Designing and administering Customer Surveys.
  • Conducting a Job Analysis for: Fair Labor Standards Act exemption status, market wage comparison, job descriptions.
  • Offering cultural sensitive training and key foreign language phrase training.
  • Directing and implementing downsizing strategies